Well, 2006 has been a pretty hectic year. Since discontinuing my Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering at Sydney Uni at the beginning of the year I’ve been devoutly focussed on building up my business as a web based application developer.

For the most part, this has involved a lot of development and refining of my open source PHP 5 Web Application Framework, RocketSled.

After spending the last few years kicking around doing this and that with various websites, I’ve come to realise that my one true passion is for building intranets, and for building online applications that allow businesses to function more efficiently and interact with clients more effectively.

That’s where the name Working Software came from: it’s software that works, but it’s also software that you work with.

I can see so many opportunities to improve workflow and decrease reliance on closed source office software, as well as reducing paperwork through simple solutions like open blogs, project wikis and the use of email gateways, intranets and the power of IRC (Internet Relay Chat)

Another recent development has been the introduction of several new people to my immediate working team. Pretty soon they’ll all be posting their own blogs on here about their trials and tribulations working with software, and tips and tricks they discover along the way, as well as anything else they feel compelled to contribute.

I look forward to working with them, and with you to create some Working Software in 2007 and the years ahead!