This is an unpaid and unsolicited editorial piece. I don’t have any affiliate links or agreements with Andrew, I’m just a very happy member ofMixergy Premium, and I see this as a way of providing value for my own audience.

If you’re not already familiar with it, is a website where Andrew Warner interviews successful business people to learn and share the secrets to their success.

Since the interviews are free and life isn’t, Andrew monetises the site in 2 ways:

  1. At the start of each free interview he has 3 paid advertorial announcements
  2. He sells a premium subscription service that gives you access to special content

Plenty of people listen to the free interviews, but let’s look at why you should go with Mixergy Premium.

The difference between the free interviews and the premium content

Although the free interviews actually quite often contain specific tactical and strategic advice, they are largely focused on a narrative discussion of each interview subject’s journey.

Whilst you quite often pick up a gem and generally gain a “business mindset” almost osmotically by simply listening to enough interviews, the free interviews do not have a strong focus on providing instantly actionable steps to improve your business.

In contrast, the courses you gain access to as part of your Mixergy Premium subscription are each an entire hour with a singular focus. Examples of some course topics are:

  • Profitable ad buying
  • Effective outsourcing
  • Copywriting
  • PR
  • Customer acquisition

The list goes on. All the courses are taught by people who have successfully applied the material in their own businesses.

It should also be noted that with a premium subscription you also get access to all the back catalog of interviews Andrew has ever done on the site (they only stay free for 7 days) so for example if you wanted to see this interview with Kevin Hale from Wufoo, you’d have to go premium.

Is it good value?

In order to determine if Mixergy Premium is good value, you first have to look at the cost and then your return on investment. Fortunately, Mixergy Premium only costs $200 for the year.

Yes, that’s right, $200 for one year.

So here are a list of ways you can get a return to cover your investment:

  • Drink 6 fewer cups of coffee each month
  • Drink 1 less six pack of beer each month
  • Don’t super size every 3rd takeout meal
  • Drink tap water instead of bottled water 6 days a month
  • Ask someone in the street for $2 each day. If only 27% of people say yes you’ll have made your money back (that’s about one person every 4th day)
  • Walk your neighbour’s dog for $5/week
  • Mow your neighbour’s lawn for $10/fortnight
  • Send 2 fewer text messages per day

Whatever, you get the picture. This is a slightly facetious list but the point is: where is the fucking risk?!

To top it all off, Andrew offers a 100% no questions asked money back guarantee. So the short answer is that there is no risk.

Okay it’s inexpensive but is the advice valuable


Here is my Mixergy 101 course list:

  1. Juan Martitegui’s business blueprint
  2. Brian Kaldenberg’s customer acquisition
  3. Dane Maxwell’s copywriting
  4. Derek Halpern’s advanced lead generation

There are a crapload of other courses and more niche content but as a basis to help you get some value immediately, those are the first 4 I would listen to, and in that order.

I can personally report that, using nothing more than the strategies and tactics presented in those courses, I found a niche, conducted an ad campaign, built a landing page with copy that converted, got my first lead and signed up a customer.

And you know how I pitched them? I just laid out all the info from those courses and said “This is what I can do for your business”.

What are you still doing here!? Go and sign up for Mixergy Premium now!