In today’s fast-paced business landscape, mobile devices play an indispensable role in driving efficiency and ensuring connectivity among teams. Whether it’s a sales rep updating CRM on-the-go or a technician accessing data sheets from the field, smartphones and tablets empower businesses to function seamlessly. However, managing these devices, especially within larger corporations, can be challenging. It’s not just about hardware; it’s about the software, security, and strategies that ensure consistent and productive device usage. Here’s a closer look at how companies can effectively manage their corporate mobile assets.

Device Management Software: The Foundation

Modern device management is underpinned by robust software solutions designed to simplify administrative tasks and enhance security.

  1. Mobile Device Management (MDM) Solutions: These platforms allow IT departments to enrol devices, push software updates, and manage application accessibility. They also facilitate remote troubleshooting, ensuring minimal downtime.

  2. Hosted PBX Systems: Communication is key in business, and hosted PBX systems like BenkoPhone amplify this by offering features traditionally seen in office-bound systems. With support for voice calls, txt messages, and especially picture messages, it’s an ideal solution for companies that prioritise seamless communication.

  3. Security Software: Beyond basic device management, security is paramount. Advanced security solutions can detect threats, manage application permissions, and even sandbox sensitive corporate data.

Deployment Strategies: Consistency is Key

Equipping staff with mobile devices is only half the battle. Ensuring consistent usage, settings, and applications across the fleet is the other half.

  1. Unified Application Suites: Rather than allowing departments to choose their software, adopt a unified suite. This ensures compatibility, eases troubleshooting, and fosters team collaboration.

  2. Regular Training: With technology ever-evolving, periodic training sessions ensure that staff are familiar with the latest tools and best practices. It’s a small investment that pays dividends in productivity.

  3. Feedback Loops: Encourage staff to provide feedback on device performance and software. It offers valuable insights and can guide future IT decisions.

Embracing Flexibility with BYOD

The BYOD trend isn’t waning, and for good reason. It offers flexibility to employees and can reduce corporate costs. However, it introduces unique challenges.

  1. Set Clear Policies: While BYOD offers freedom, it’s crucial to have clear guidelines. Which software must be installed? What security measures are non-negotiable?

  2. Separate Work and Personal Data: Solutions like BenkoPhone enable staff to have a distinct work number, ensuring personal and professional communications remain separate. This not only enhances privacy but also simplifies record-keeping.

  3. Consistent Monitoring: Even with BYOD, consistent monitoring ensures devices adhere to corporate guidelines. This doesn’t mean invasive surveillance but rather checks to ensure software is up-to-date and data is secure.

In conclusion, managing corporate mobile devices is a multifaceted task, encompassing software choices, deployment strategies, and flexibility approaches like BYOD. By adopting robust solutions and maintaining a strategic vision, businesses can maximise the benefits of mobile technology. Ready to explore how BenkoPhone can simplify your mobile management? Dive into its features and benefits today.